In Association With
Preparing For A New Start...
ReEntry / Jobs For Life (ReEntry/JfL) is a faith-based Project designed to help students nearing release to effectively face the challenges of life they will encounter when they are reunited with their families and when re-introduced into their communities.
The ReEntry Project operates under the supervision of the Programs Division at the North Carolina Correctional Institution for Women (NCCIW), Raleigh Unit. Our teaching materials are furnished by Prison Fellowship International and, recently we have added the Jobs for Life Training Module.
How We Serve...
The combined curriculum consists of twenty-two sessions - six on spiritual foundational principles and sixteen sessions from the Jobs for Life's curriculum. Classes meet weekly for 1.5 hours.
Each student receives materials for class and a student manual/workbook. Homework is required. We celebrate the holidays of Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day, and Resurrection Sunday with food and fellowship to encourage the development of community within the class.
At the Term's end, each student is asked to complete a Course evaluation which is turned in to the instructors. Graduation is held at the NCCIW facility with students receiving certificates of completion from ReEntry and Jobs for Life.
Recent Events...
The most recent granduation was held in April 2018 for the NCCIW Minimum Custody Unit.
In September 2018 we will begin a new term at the Minimum Custody Unit...and we will be launching a second site at the NCCIW Maximum Custody Unit! We need your prayers and we need volunteers!
If You're Interested In Volunteering...
The ReEntry/JfL team is eager to recruit committed volunteers who feel called to prison ministry. We need volunteers to come along side each student as a mentor for sixteen weeks, one evening per week for an hour and a half. We also need volunteers who will work as a support system outside of prison walls to undergird the team inside prison. We welcome you join us on a wonderful journey!
Through Jobs for Life training, your service, compassion, time, and commitment to excellence will play an integral part in God’s work to teach and to help save lives. Lives will be transformed. We are all part of God’s work and His desire to bring home to Him the least and the lost among us!
If you would like to know more, email the ReEntry/JfL Program Director, Gail Carrington at
For more information on Jobs for Life, click the JfL logo below the banner at the top of this page.